How To Cancel Your MediaShout LE Subscription

If you're reading this article it means you're sadly looking to cancel your MediaShout LE Membership. Before making any final decisions we highly recommend you reach out to our support and sales team to discuss why you're deciding to cancel! We appreciate any and all feedback on your time as a member and would love to continue to have you with us.


That being said, here are the steps needed to cancel your MediaShout LE Membership: 


1.) Login to your MediaShout account by going to



2.) Once logged in, look on the left side of the settings underneath "My Account" and click on where it says "My Subscriptions"




3. Once you've clicked on "My Subscriptions", click the word "View" next to your active MediaShout LE Subscription. Once you do, it'll bring you to a new page that should look like this:



It is on this page that you should see the option to cancel the membership. Once you press "here" to cancel your access to LE and the Plus Membership benefits will continue until your next renewal date. At that point, your benefits will expire and your  MediaShout LE program will no longer be usable... 

If for some reason you do not see this or have trouble finding this or if you decide you'd like to rejoin the membership, reach out to us at and we'll be happy to help!