Keep Current Fired Cue in Pages Area, Vertically Centered or Top Third Centered.

Sep 13, 2017
Ken Philpott wrote
Can we have a setting that keeps the current fired cue in the pages area, in the center or top third of the Pages Area.
Currently with a Lyric cue (or any multi-page cue) that has lots of pages, when we get to the bottom line of visible pages, there's no visibility of the next line of pages.
When in live production, we have no idea of how many pages are left in the cue. Could be only one page or 20 pages. I know we can use the mouse to scroll up, but it's just more messing around. If the current fired cue is always in the center vertically or top third vertically of this pages area, we'd have good visibility of what coming, without the need to scroll.
Under review
6 votes
4 Answers
Sep 13, 2017
Aaron West agent wrote
Ken - the scroll settings for the script actually apply to the pages, too. I recommend using the Cue at Top so you can always have the selected cue at top in both the script and page area.
Sep 13, 2017
Ken Philpott wrote
I see. I like top third, so we've always got something above to see where we've just been (and may need to go back to), and visibility of at least part of the next row of pages so you can see how many, if any are ahead. So top third works best for us. I've never used or liked 'top' for the above reasons.
I'm not sure what the program uses as its logic around for deciding the top third. I see "top third" and "middle" works well if you have around 3,3 rows of pages visible. But any less and it doesn't.
I have 2.5 visible rows of pages. Even middle doesn't work for this layout. I would expect with 2.5 rows of visible pages, that top third or middle should keep the active cue in the center vertically always showing part of the bottom row of pages. I can't see how either of those settings should ever force the active cue to be on the bottom visible row. Is there some program logic that's used that needs tweaking? Not trying to be clever, just logical... sort of ;-)
Sep 14, 2017
Aaron West agent wrote
Actually, there is some logic, but it doesn't work well if you don't have enough lines visible. Because this is a global setting, top-third is based on the script area. Then that same distance is applied to the Page Area (even though the Page Area is smaller). It is a known bug that we are working on. But you can make your Page Area larger by resizing it and that will allow top-third and middle to work better in its current state.
Sep 14, 2017
Ken Philpott wrote
Thanks Aaron. While it's being fixed I can do that. The sizing I have works well for both pages visibility and edit box clarity. But I'll scale it a bit while it's being sorted to achieve what's needed.

Many thanks again Aaron.