Remote app enhancement

Sep 27, 2017
Paul Tyzzer wrote
I have a suggestion to improve the Remote app for the benefit of the congregation's visual experience.
When controlling a script remotely and selecting a lyric cue, it fires the first page. If the worship band start with the chorus which might not be the first page (often the second or third page) the congregation will have to see the first verse and then the chorus. If the remote app was changed so that when a song is selected it displays the song but does not change the main display until the particular verse or chorus was selected, this would result in the congregation only seeing the relevant page of lyrics instead of the first page and then the required page. The time delay would only be as long as it takes to make a second selection 1 - 2 seconds.
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4 Answers
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Sep 27, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote

The remote app does have a "Preview Mode". This allows the presenter to swipe to the page and tap it to display it. Otherwise, you can have the worship leader give you the playorder and you can adjust that in the Lyric Cue.

Either of these options would be a solution to your situation.

Thanks and be blessed.
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Sep 27, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote

The information on this page has some helpful information that you might find useful.
Sep 28, 2017
Paul Tyzzer wrote
Hi John,

"The information on this page has some helpful information that you might find useful."
It doesn't look like you included the link
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Sep 28, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote
Sorry about that Paul. Here is the link to the Remote App section of out KnowledgeBase.