Higher quality PAGES/JPEGs on Import Slideshow option please. Current pages appear low quality on screen.

Sep 13, 2017
Ken Philpott wrote
When I import a slideshow I get much lower quality pages from the Imported PowerPoint cue, than if I insert the PPT file as an actual PowerPoint cue. There is a very visible difference. Would it be possible to import with higher quality settings from MS PowerPoint.
I know when we were using v4, and needed to export the PPT to JPEGs, that there was a setting in MS PowerPoint that we changed (once only), and then every time we did a Save to JPEG from within PPT, then the quality of the JPEGs would be very much higher. Instead of being 96 DPI, I had it set as somewhere around 300 I think.
Could this option within MS PowerPoint be used by MediaShout when running this import function?
Under review
1 vote
3 Answers
Sep 14, 2017
Aaron West agent wrote
Hey Ken,

It does appear that the resolutions are not the same when exporting versus importing. We've reported this to development. Here are some things we found with testing:

Using the same 4:3 PowerPoint file, I exported it from PPT and used out Import utility. Oddly enough, the images we create are much a larger file size, but a lower resolution than what is produce by PowerPoint.

Both are produced at 96dpi
We produce at a bit depth of 32 and PPT is 24.
Our resolution is 720x540, PPT is 960x720
Total file size of all slides we created was 3.91MB, PPT was less than 1MB(.98)

What I found more interesting was, using the same PowerPoint saved in a 16:9 format, produced a smaller total file size exporting from PPT and Importing in MS.

Both are produced at 96dpi
We produce at a bit depth of 32 and PPT is 24.
Our resolution is 720x405, PPT is 960x540
Total file size of all slides we created was 3.03MB, PPT was 899KB

If you modify the registry, you can increase the export resolution from PPT. The link below are to those instructions.

I've also had great success exporting from PowerPoint as PNG (instead of JPEG) to get a higher quality image, too. We will see what we can find out. Thanks!
Sep 14, 2017
Ken Philpott wrote
Thanks Aaron for all your homework on this. Our users notice the blur that is present with the Import Show, but we've been having problems with direct PPT cues, so have been using the import option regardless where possible (ie. no special slide builds).
I also know I was never really happy even with the default DPI at 96 when I exported the PPT to JPEGs. The clarity was so much better with at least 200dpi and maybe higher. I never worried about file size, only screen clarity.

Do you think you could have an option in settings for a couple of DPI settings for the Import. Some higher DPI ones?
Or is the Import DPI all set within the registry of PowerPoint itself?

Kind regards
Sep 15, 2017
Aaron West agent wrote

I'm not sure if we have control over some of those DPI settings, but we will add that to the notes to review. Thanks so much!