Live Camera Integration

Aug 09, 2019
Franklin Seventh Day Adventist SDA Church wrote
Hello, we have an IP camera which we use for showing the congregation the children's story. Can you add a feature (something like the live stream integration that is coming out) which would allow me to link with the IP cam, (and possibly HDMI or USB video inputs) and show the video fired as a cue?
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3 Answers
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Jan 29, 2020
Ryan Zeeck agent wrote
Hey there,

Would this be for MediaShout 6 or MediaShout 7?

Jan 29, 2020
Franklin Seventh Day Adventist SDA Church wrote
We were looking for this for MS7, although if it could be implemented on 6, that would be awesome as we are still using it until MS7 gets up to full functionality.
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Jan 29, 2020
Ryan Zeeck agent wrote
I don't believe there is a plan to add Live Feed capability to MediaShout 7. We really would like to see Customer's using a Video Mixer to do this job. You would run the Camera Feed and the MediaShout Feed into your mixer. Then, it will send it out to the screens from there. We have a Live Feed feature in MediaShout 6 and we found that the majority of the computer's out there running MediaShout cannot handle doing MediaShout AND a Live Feed at the same time. So, this would cause crashing and other issues and would just create a lot of frustration because the computer just can't handle what you're trying to do.

Things may change as we move forward, but that is the last I've heard on the plan for MediaShout 7.

I hope this is helpful.
