Manage Bibles

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Sep 06, 2019
Bill Pettit wrote
I see that all the possible Bibles are in the list, WOW! Over half of these Bibles will never be used by us so V7 needs to let the User manage which Bibles are visible. In V6 the User could Add or Delete Bibles which was great, a nice short list to pick from each service.
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1 Answer
Oct 24, 2019
User wrote
We exclusively use the KJV version, and will never use the side-by-side comparison features for projection also. It's a shame that this half-baked version of MS doesn't include an easy way to remove all these extra Bibles.

However, the Bibles are stored in a simple SQLite database, which can be edited. The database is here on windows C:\Users\Public\My Shout\MS7\Bibles\bibles.sqlite . If you have a techie friend that knows what they're doing, you can simply download a program to open that database then run some queries to remove the extra Bibles you don't need.

This takes some knowledge of databases, which I have, and I was able to successfully remove all the extra Bibles we didn't need. This seems like something MS7 should be able to do without having to mess around like this though.