Text formatting when pasting in MS 6

Oct 27, 2017
Dan Messinger wrote
I liked it better when pasted text would use the destination format (like what MS 5 does) instead of the source.
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5 Answers
Oct 28, 2017
Loretta Johnson wrote
If you Paste using the Right Click menu option, it picks up the formatting of the destination. If you Paste using the Keyboard Shortcut of CTRL+V, you do not.
Oct 28, 2017
Dan Messinger wrote
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Nov 01, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote
Thanks Loretta for providing the shortcut.

We are looking to improve this so that Copy/Paste works the same. But we still have users that need to be able to keep the source formatting. When all said and done, Copy/Paste will work the same and for those that need to keep the formatting, we will most likely use Ctrl+Shift+V.
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Nov 13, 2017
Walter D Vaughan Jr wrote
I need to look back at my workflow, but I think the only thing that has worked for me is to control-A control-V into Notepad, then control-A control-C the content in Notepad, and then pasting into MS.

A right click "paste as" option of "Text Only" should always be available. I know that's not that simple with a mixed MS-Windows and OS-X codebase...
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Nov 13, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote

If you are using the mouse, right click/Paste will keep the formatting of the Cue. If you use the keyboard, CTRL+V keeps the formatting of the document.

The "Paste as Plain Text" option may be a good option. I will pose that to the developers.