Advise if saved Cues for a particular Lyric / Song are available in the Lyrics Library
Home>Feature Requests>Advise if saved Cues for a particular Lyric / Song are available in the Lyrics Library
Jan 05, 2020
Graham Bruno wrote
In Mediashout 7 it would be helpful when inserting lyrics from the Lyrics library to have an area of the "Insert Lyrics" UI show if there are versions of that lyric available in the Cues Library and to allow the user to select an appropriate cue for that song directly.
My reason for submitting this feature is feedback from fellow volunteers that they dislike having to check the Cues Library to see if an existing cue already exists before going to the lyrics library.
Thank you for your consideration.
4 votes
2 Answers
Jan 06, 2020
Ryan Zeeckagentwrote
Hey Graham,
Thanks for the input, I really like that idea! I will pass this onto the team to see if they can build something like this.
Thanks again!
God Bless,
Jan 06, 2020
Graham Brunowrote
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for being willing to pass this on.
Happy new year!
God Bless,
Advise if saved Cues for a particular Lyric / Song are available in the Lyrics Library
Advise if saved Cues for a particular Lyric / Song are available in the Lyrics Library