Insert bible and lyric and text to auto close

Dec 05, 2017
Peter Matteson wrote
I know it's pretty popular to not have those dialogue boxes automatically close after inserting in the schedule, but for me, I rarely do multiple songs or bible verses next to each other in the schedule. It's a small extra step, but could you make the default where it doesn't close automatically, but give people like me a one time popup after hitting insert to ask if we would like it to auto close? There could also be a check box that allows for the message to not be visible again...
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Dec 05, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote

Thanks for your thoughts on this. However, to add the ability to play these cues on the fly, the dialog box must stay open. Unfortunately, there was no middle ground to provide the options you are looking for.

Thanks and be blessed.
Dec 05, 2017
Judsonmeherg wrote

I think the spirit of this request was missed.

I too noticed recently that after hitting insert on a lyric that the insert window didn't close. Now I am not sure if that was a recent chance or if I had just missed the behaviour before, but I would prefer to find a search a song, find the version, confirm the lyrics are correct, apply the appropriate template then click insert and have the song dialog box close.

Or maybe have two buttons, one that just inserts and one that inserts and closes. (That actually seems like a better option).

I am not sure what you mean by playing cue on the fly.
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Dec 05, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote

This behavior/feature was introduced with B65. We have had numerous requests to be able to play cues on the fly without the need for inserting them into the script. So to make this happen, we added play buttons within all of the Insert (Bible, Lyric, Text and Liturgy) dialog's. But we also needed to keep these dialog's open for this to happen.

I hope this clarifies things.
Dec 05, 2017
Judsonmeherg wrote

I don't see how adding the play buttons to slides in the insertion screen resulted in a change to the insertion buttons default behavior.

I understand the desire to play directly from the insertion screen, but once the lyric/scripture/text is inserted into the cue then control should be taken from there.

Therefore you can fire from the insertion screen to your heart's desire, but once it is inserted to the cue the traditional workflow and control methods should take effect.

I feel the fire on the fly and previous insert button behavior are not mutually exclusive unless it is a programming issue.
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Dec 05, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote

The change to this new behavior has been overwhelmingly positive. But I 'm going to change the status to "Under Consideration" and will discuss it with the developers. If it is something they can do and do without a lot of complications and we get a good public response to this request, I will do what I can to fit it into the development of a future update.
Dec 05, 2017
Judsonmeherg wrote
I'm not Peter, but thanks!
Dec 06, 2017
Peter Matteson wrote
I'm Peter, so thanks for considering my request - and Judson, thank you also for understanding what I was hoping for!
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Dec 06, 2017
Ben Wagner agent wrote
Good news guys,
I have spoken to the developer and we should be able to accommodate. My goal is to add a second button for "Insert and Close". However, I don't know when we can add it. The developers already have things planned out for the next few months. If it is an easy fix, they may add it sooner, but I can't promise when.
Dec 06, 2017
Judsonmeherg wrote
Thanks for the update John!

Appreciate the willingness to review the status quo!