Add the option to save the Mirror Main setting with lyric cues
Home>Feature Requests>Add the option to save the Mirror Main setting with lyric cues
Oct 31, 2022
Bruce Shrock wrote
We are using the stage display for streaming and lower third lyrics with a green background. Our MS operator always has to switch Mirror Main to No when the song begins and then switch it to Yes when the songs end. In our case, lyric cues always should have Mirror Main = No for the streaming video. We must also be careful to coordinate the Mirror Main switching with our video producer to avoid black or green screen Program video on the stream. Having Mirror Main saved with lyric cues would improve our streaming quality and sooth the nerves of the volunteers.
I understand that this should be optional because not everyone needs it.
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2 Answers
Dec 14, 2022
John Ruffwrote
This is available on each cue. In the lower left of the cue thumbnail is an icon with the letter "M" in it. The icon turns blue when Mirroring is turned on. It does not turn off until the user turns it off. see pic.