Export Cues as Graphics Files (.jpg)

Aug 19, 2017
Aaron West wrote
In MS5, we were able to export the entire script as .jpg files. This allowed us to create lower thirds for live broadcast from the original script, then export them for use with WireCast. No way to do that now, so we are just staying with MS5 on our streaming computer for the time-being.
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8 Answers
Sep 02, 2018
Lori Bailey wrote
If you have PowerPoint on the computer with MediaShout you can try running CUE2PPT11 and converting slides to PowerPoint then in PowerPoint export to JPG. We do not have PowerPoint but I think it will work. https://www.harrisonhills.org/tech
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Sep 10, 2018
Ben Wagner agent wrote

The utility you are referring to was created by a very creative and smart MediaShout user by the name of Roger Noar many years ago. However, this utility designed to only work in MediaShout 4. It may work in older versions, but I can confirm it does not work in V6.

Thanks for suggesting it though.
Sep 14, 2018
Carol Hobday wrote
I also used that feature often and am disappointed it's gone. To have to go the powerpoint route just creates more work.
Nov 19, 2018
Dawn Nelson wrote
We are upgrading to MSv6 (from v4.5) and I also used the convert feature frequently in v4.5 to send jpgs for proofing. We have one regular event planned and executed by multiple volunteers with multiple (and changing!) inputs. I uploaded to jpgs to OneDrive and sent them all a link. It saved me lots of headaches. Any alternatives?
Nov 19, 2018
Dawn Nelson wrote
We are upgrading to MSv6 (from v4.5) and I also used the convert feature frequently in v4.5 to send jpgs for proofing. We have one regular event planned and executed by multiple volunteers with multiple (and changing!) inputs. I uploaded to jpgs to OneDrive and sent them all a link. It saved me lots of headaches. Any alternatives?
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Nov 30, 2018
Dave agent wrote
Just an update on this - we are working on this and plan to have it in the next release of V6. It will be a much improved version of what was in previous versions. Thanks so much! -Aaron
Aug 11, 2019
Glenn Krake wrote
Did this ever get updated? I'd like to be able to export a slide as a jpg
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Oct 06, 2019
Dave agent wrote
Glenn - this did get added to MediaShout 6 on Mac in that last build (6.3.80) back in April. Unfortunately, it was not added to Windows due to some technical limitations. MediaShout 7 on Windows does have it, though, with more options and capabilities.