Font Choice Pulldown Menu

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Nov 29, 2018
John Petteys wrote
Is it possible to either keep the pull-down menu for the fonts open as one searches for the most suitable font for the cue or have the edited font update on the editor as one hovers over the fonts in the pull down menu? Our church uses Chinese fonts in half of our services and because the font pull-down does not show Chinese fonts in the pull-down then it is hard to choose the right font without doing many repetitive steps that could be avoided if either of the improvements were added. Thanks for considering.
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3 Answers
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Nov 30, 2018
Ryan Zeeck agent wrote
Hey John,

I want to make sure I am understanding what you are trying to accomplish.

Maybe if you tell me how this would help, I could understand it a bit better.

Let me know how you are wanting this to work exactly and I can pass this along to see if it is something that could be added!


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Nov 30, 2018
John Petteys wrote
While designing a cue and trying to chose a font it is much easier to chose the font with a pulldown menu that stays open (much like the updated lyric cue chooser window that now stays open to chose more than one song at a time before you close it) until you have viewed the desired letter style. This is more important with Chinese language Fonts as they have no visual example in the pulldown menu so the only way to see the font is to choose it and that closes the chooser requiring you to reopen for another choice of font>
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Dec 04, 2018
Ryan Zeeck agent wrote
Hey John,

Thanks for you input, it is always appreciated. We looked into this a bit on our side to see what you are referring to and what would be the best way to resolve this issue.

First, the best way to actually fix this issue would be to add an example of the Text in the Font Style list. Would you agree?

Second, if that isn't a possibility, for whatever reason, another option would be that after you select your Font Style, your cursor focus is still on that Font Style list. So, you could then use your up and down arrow keys to move from Font to Font in the list. Do you think this would work for your situation?

We want to avoid keeping that Font Style list open because the majority of our User's would likely find that somewhat annoying/frustrating. But, for your situation, I can see how something like that would be helpful. It's just that most Churches aren't using Chinese Fonts.

Let me know what you think about the above information. I have already passed this along to our Development Team to see if a fix can be applied in the near future for this issue. I am waiting on a response from them.

Thanks again,
