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Doing a Clean Uninstall of Mediashout 6 on Mac

There are certain situations where you may need to perform a clean uninstall of Mediashout 6 on your Mac. For instance, if you are trying to install a new build and there is an error preventing the update. In this case please follow the instructions below to do a clean uninstall before you install Mediashout again:


1) Navigate to the "Applications" folder. You can do this by going to the Finder or clicking on your desktop, then the "Go" menu on the taskbar at the top of your screen, then choose "Applications" from the drop down list.

2) Delete Mediashout 6 from the "Applications" folder to the Trash (this will not delete your files such as scripts, etc). If the new installation works, then you can empty the Trash afterwards, or restore the previous version of Mediashout if not.

3) Go to Finder or click on your desktop and click "Go" from the top menu again and click Computer > Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Media Shout

4) Save any info from the folders with things you want to keep such as Announcement Library, Bible Library, Cue Templates, Liturgy Library, Song Library, or Twitter. Put them somewhere like your desktop and then after the clean uninstall you can reinsert them to the same folders they came from.

5) Delete the entire Media Shout folder from the "Application Support" folder to the Trash (this will not delete your files such as scripts, etc). If the new installation works, then you can empty the Trash afterwards, or restore the previous version of Mediashout if not.

6) Go to the Finder or click on your desktop and click "Go" from the top menu one more time, and choose "Utilities" from the drop down list.

7) From the "Utilities" folder, click and run the "Terminal" application.

8) Leaving the cursor exactly where it is blinking upon opening the Terminal, paste in the following command into the terminal, then press enter:

sudo rm -f $HOME/Library/Preferences/*MediaShout*

9) If successful, it will just appear with the option to run another command, it will not give you any kind of confirmation or message. You may close the terminal at this point.

10) This has completed the clean uninstall of Mediashout 6. You can now run the application to reinstall Mediashout if you are putting it back on the computer.