Sometimes users want to display Lyrics in two different languages or different parts for special choir performances. This can be done, but it does take a little extra setup. However, once done, the changes can be saved to the library. Unfortunately, we cant use the Dual Bible Template to accomplish this, because the second language or part needs to be added manually. So we need to set up a Preset which will make the process go a lot quicker in the future.
1. First create the Lyric with only one part (Men or Ladies). Or for Bi-Lingual Lyrics, insert the song with the first language. The other parts/language will need to be added manually later.
2. Apply one of your templates that you would like to use.
3. Position the Text box to one side or the other.
4. Once you have the text formatted the way you like and the text box is positioned, click the Templates tab and click Save Template As, type in a name like Dual Lyric and press enter.
5. Starting on the first page of Lyrics, click Insert Object/Text Box (This begins the creation of the Preset)
6. Position this box where needed
7. Add some text, (just a word or two), and format it the way you like (size, color, position, etc. etc.)
8. Click the Apply Preset button
9. Next to the Save As option, give it a new name. Something like Dual Lyric for example and press Enter. (this creates the new Preset)
10. Click the Apply Preset button again and click Set As Default. (This finishes the creation of the Preset)
11. Starting on the first page of Lyrics, (text box already there) enter the text for the second part.
12. Select the next page of Lyrics.
13. Click Insert Object/Text Box and type your text for this page. Since the Preset is the default, it adds it in the size and position for you automatically.
14. Repeat steps 12 & 13 for every other page.
You now have a Template and a Preset available for future use the next time this process is needed.
Once complete, click the button in the upper right corner of the Lyric Cue that shows a small yellow triangle and click Save to Library. But keep in mind, the changes are not actually written back to the library until you close the software. So I would close the software and reopen it after you have save the script.