Merging Lyric Libraries from Different Sources

Occasionally, you may have two or more different lyric databases that you want to combine into one.  Before you do this, though, you need to think through a few things to prepare:

1) Choose one of the databases to be your Master Database.  This is the database that will be the one with the latest changes that you will be merging everything else into.
2) Also determine how many lyrics you will need to merge from the database.  If you've only got a few (less than 20) that are different, it may be better to create a special script instead of merging all lyrics from the database.  If you know how many you will be merging, then this will determine which steps you take.
3) Determine how automatic you want the import process to be. Open MediaShout on the computer with the Master Database and go to the Settings Tab->General Settings->Lyrics.  On the left side, choose how you want the import to handle duplicates (import everything or skip duplicates?).
4) Finally, think about the media files used for backgrounds in the lyrics you are moving.  If they are not on the computer where the Master Database is found, then you will have to choose a new file or location when you use that lyric.


OPTION 1 (convert less than 20 lyrics):

If you have less than 20 lyrics that you want to import/update into the Master Database, then the easiest thing is to create a blank script on the computer where the lyrics are coming from.  Then insert the lyrics that you want to merge into that script.  Once you have all the lyrics, then save the Script File to your computer (do not put anything else in this script except those lyrics).  Take that script to your computer with the Master Database.  Open MediaShout and go to the Insert Lyric Window.  Select the Gear Icon in the top left of that window and choose Add Lyrics->From Files and choose the .ssc file from the other computer.  It will then add those lyrics to your library.  As a note, it will follow your import settings that you have set in Step 3 above.


OPTION 2 (convert more than 20 lyrics):

If you have more than 20 lyrics that you want to import/update into the Master Database, then it may be easier to just bring in the whole database.  As a note, we do recommend that you adjust your import settings in Step 3 to be Skip Duplicates with Identical Song Titles and Song IDs to prevent having a bunch of duplicates in your library.  Once you have that set, on the computer you want to export the lyrics, open the Insert Lyric Window.  Click on the first lyric in your database and then hit CTRL+A (this will select all your lyrics in the database).  RIght-Click on one of those lyrics and choose Export Lyrics.  Choose the name of the file and location you want it to go.  Once the file is saved, take that .ssc file to your other computer with the Master Database.  Open MediaShout and go to the Insert Lyric Window.  Select the Gear Icon in the top left of that window and choose Add Lyrics->From Files and choose the .ssc file from the other computer.  It will then add those lyrics to your library.  As a reminder, it will follow your import settings that you have set in Step 3 above.



Obviously adding a lot of lyrics to your database can be a little unnerving, so we always recommend making a copy of your database just in case.  To do that, with MediaShout closed, go to C:\ProgramData\MediaComplete\MediaShout 6\Song Library\ and look for a file called Songs5.mdb.  Right-Click on that file and choose copy and then right-click in the white space below that file and choose paste.  That will put a Songs5 - copy.mdb file in that folder.  That is your backup in case you need to roll back to this database.