Additional Lyrics for MediaShout 7

We install a Lyric library that contains 283 of the most popular hymns and songs with MediaShout 7 by default. If you need additional lyrics, the following two files may be downloaded and imported into MediaShout 7:

Below is an attachment for the MediaShout Collection Library & the MediaShout Spanish Library for MediaShout 7. It is in the .json format which is what MediaShout 7 uses for it's Song Library.

To import either file into MediaShout 7, click the Insert Lyric button to open the Insert Lyric Window. In the top right corner, click the Edit Tab. Then, in the top left corner, you will see a column of icons. The sixth icon (a piece of paper with an arrow coming in) is the Import Lyrics button. Click this button to open an Open window. Select the MediaShout Collection Library.json OR MediaShout Spanish Lyrics.json file to begin the import process (this might take a few moments).

If you have any trouble during this process, please email