Using the Shift Worship Media Button - How to download media and bring it into MediaShout

New in MediaShout 7.6, we've added the Media Store Integration with Shift Worship!

If you don't already have a Shift Worship Subscription, we can help with that! Just click this link to purchase the yearly subscription which allows you to unlimited downloads of any media that they offer on their store.

To use this new feature, follow the steps below.


1a. When you open MediaShout, open a Script, and select one of your Cues/Pages, you'll see the Insert Shift Worship Media button at the top of the window to add a new image/video/etc. directly from Shift Worship to the current page you have selected in your Script.

1b. Alternatively, within MediaShout and in your Script, select one of your Cues/Pages. Then, go over to Layers on the right and choose Background and then Image/Video, you'll see Insert Shift Worship Media button at the top to add a new image/video/etc. directly from Shift Worship as the background of the current cue that you have selected in your Script.

2. Once you click either of these buttons, it will open a window within MediaShout and it will take you to this page:

If you already own a Shift Worship subscription, you can click the Take Me To Login button to login and begin downloading your media. 

If you don't already own a Shift Worship subscription, you can click the Learn More & Subscribe button to purchase the yearly subscription to gain access to the Media Store. After your order is placed you will receive an email with the steps for how to initiate that subscription through Shift Worship.

3. Once you've signed into your Shift Worship subscription, you can then search for and find the media that you'd like to add into your MediaShout Script and as soon as you download it, you can close that window and you'll see that image/video loaded in that cue that you've selected in your Script.


Other Notes: -

-In the Library Tab on the right side of MediaShout, you will see the media that you download from Shift under the "Shift Worship" section. You may need to close out and reopen MediaShout for this to show up, however.

-When you are within the media store window, if you need to go back, you can use the keyboard shortcut of:  Alt+Left Arrow